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New to ZooED?

    Let's get started!

ZooED is free and accessible to all teachers and educational institutions in Jackson and Clay counties. To begin using the material in your classroom, follow the first step below!


Become a ZooED Teacher


To start exploring ZooED with your students, attend a short training to learn how to incorporate the curriculum into your classroom and receive your teaching materials. Training is required for all new teachers interested in using ZooED, but you only need to attend one session for each level you decide to use. Trainings occur from September - February for the main school year and in May for the summer session. 

Already a Trained TEacher But Want To Start a Different Curriculum?


There are three different levels to the ZooED curriculum.  If you are switching grades and wish to request a different level of ZooED than previously used, you will need to come in for an additional training as each level varies in structure. 

Training Sessions 

Training sessions occur at the Kansas City Zoo and Aquarium's education office. Please anticipate the training to last 45-60 minutes. If you are unsure as to which curriculum to sign up for, descriptions of our programs can be found here

(Note: We will have combined training for Meet the Animal and Manage the Animal levels this school year.  This will cover all the elementary ZooED curriculum. )

Teacher trainings for the 2024-2025 school year are now complete.

** Trainings for the summer school session will be held in May **

© 2019 by ZooED. Proudly created with

Contact Us: 1-816-595-1765   /  /  6800 Zoo Dr. Kansas City, MO 64132

ZooED is free and accessible for all students in the Zoological District. This includes public, private, parochial, charter and home schools and other educational organizations in Jackson or Clay counties in Missouri.


At this time, ZooED curriculum is not available to groups outside the Zoological District. Please go to for other educational opportunities. 

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